“WALL FREE EUROPE” Photo Exhibition

03.21. - 04.02. All Day



“WALL FREE EUROPE” Photo Exhibition


“Wall Free Europe” is an ERGO (European Roma Grassroots Organizations) Network’s campaign on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of Berlin Wall fall which aims at ending Roma apartheid in Europe through visualising the existing physical and mental walls that divide Roma and non-Roma and raising awareness on Anti-Gypsyism. The physical walls built in Europe that segregate Roma citizens from their non-Roma neighbours are presented alongside with the mental walls visualising how stereotypes and prejudices in people’s minds become walls of discrimination and exclusion towards Roma. The exhibition also portrays people that live behind the walls, how Roma respond to those walls in their lives and try to open the dialogue.

The exhibition is organized by Phiren Amenca in MÜSZI on the International Day against Racism and Xenophobia, 21 March.