Játszóház Project

03.02. 18:00



Játszóház Project


A group of students decided to conquer the night with board games. A new initiative in Budapest, that quickly outgrew the living room, and has become a popular event series, with hundreds of participants: this is the Játszóház Project. Our events are great opportunites to get to know new people, have fun and gain world domination. We have more than a hundred games, however you won’t find Monopoly or Hotel amongst them. We prefer the newer generation of games that are much more fun: Dixit, Bang, Creationary, Tikal, etc.. If you don’t know any of them that’s okay, there will be a few organizers to help and get you started. Let’s get high on board games together!

Does it sound too good to be true? See for yourself: https://www.facebook.com/jatszohazprojekt/photos_stream