RAFAL MAZUR: Taoista stratégia a szabad improvizációban

RAFAL MAZUR: Taoista stratégia a szabad improvizációban

10.05. 17:30


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Rafal Mazur (http://www.rafalmazur.eu/) a lengyel jazz szcéna megkerülhetetlen előadója és oktatója. A chen tai-chi quan művelője és a keleti filozófiák kutatója. Október 5-én Budapesten jár és megosztja velünk gondolatait és gyakorlatát, amiben keresztezik egymást a taoizmus és a szabad improvizáció. Szerinte ugyanis a folyamatos változásra épülő keleti gondolkodásmód sokkal közelebb áll a szabad improvizációhoz, mint a mindent rögzíteni akaró nyugati hozzáállás.

Minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk, különös tekintettel a gyakorló zenészekre!

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Részletesebb leírás alább angolul:

Daoist strategy in the practice of free improvisation.

The lecture/workshop/presentation is about how we can adapt daoist strategy of action to practice of free/spontaneous improvisation. I would like to present the strategy of action which was created in ancient China and was developed by next 2500 years of Chinese civilization. Strategy which is based on concept of Yijing – The Book of Changes, it means strategy of action in variable fluid reality, in not arranged situations. The strategy was used by Chinese scholars in practice of art: calligraphy, brush paintings, music, martial art and war strategies. It is based on few concepts as ziran – self-so-ness or naturalness, wu xin – no-mind or empty mind and wu wei – non-action. Mainly I will present how it is used in practice of inner martial art Taijiuquan as strategy of deep and rapid insight into the situation and adequate reaction/response to it.

In my opinion posture of adept of martial art (mainly state of mind – ability for extensive perception) is a paradigm of improviser. As an adept of martial art in the moment of fighting, improvisers are in not arranged situations and every his moves are dependent of moves of partners. It is exactly like in the old daoist text of Zhuangzi about art of sword: “making your movement after the opponent, [but] arriving before he does”. It is exactly about deep and clear perception and fast and adequate reaction.

Then in the second part I would like to show how to adapt the daoist strategy to the practice of free/spontaneous/non-idiomatic improvisation.

The entrance for the lecture is free of charge.
Please donate 1000 HUF for Müszi who is providing the space for the lecture.