12.09. - 12.10. 19:00 - 23:00
Spaces of Uncertainty 4
In the framework of the Spaces of Uncertainty project series organised by the Intermedia and Art Theory and Curatorial Studies departments of MKE, the winter exhibition of Mapping the Local presents the idea of borders in terms of both their physical presence and abstract meanings.
Borders have existed throughout history but their proliferation in the last few decades as both symbolic and functional spatial elements are not only dividing states, but also social groups of along the lines of wealth, lifestyles and cultures, as well as ethnic and national identities.
The exhibition explores theses social, political and cultural divisions and their relationships, forms of representation, in the realm of contemporary art.
A Mapping the Local kurzus hallgatói / Students at the Mapping the Local course:
Susie Buchan, Zoe Carlon, Doris Despot, Fincziczki Katalin, Begona Herrero, Hajdu Bence, Honti Eszter Írisz, Norbert Plaß Katona, Maj Ajna, Sandra Martin, Dávid Mikulán, Franziska Mückentaler, Nemes Nóra, Nagy Zsóka, Pezzuti Iara, Ráczová Enikő, Simon Klára, Szabó Nóra, Szilágyi Robin, Takács Ádám, Tóth Bernadett, Török Anita, Turai Kincső, Korponovics Roland, Farkas Anna
Időpont / Date: 2015 / 12 / 09, 19.00 – 22.00
A projekt bemutató helyszíne / Venue of the project presentation: MÜSZI
1085 Budapest Blaha Lujza tér 1-2. (Corvin áruház III. emelet, Bejárat a Somogyi Béla utca felől)
1085 Budapest, Blaha Lujza square 1-2. [Corvin Department store, III. floor].
bővebb információ / more information: http://www.mke.hu/en/node/35897